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Maj. Fist15

Real Name : Phillip

Rank : Major

Been Playing for : 5 yrs.

Resides in : Arizona, USA

Email :


6 months service.jpg (2613 bytes) 1 year servcie.jpg (2391 bytes) 2 years service.jpg (2295 bytes) 3yrs_service.jpg (1150 bytes) 4yrs_service.jpg (1274 bytes)

 silver star.jpg (1240 bytes) sportamanship cross.jpg (1022 bytes) attendance meadl.jpg (1165 bytes) distinguished service.jpg (967 bytes) all squad match.jpg (1121 bytes)

good conduct.jpg (1184 bytes) purple heart.jpg (987 bytes) recruit medal.jpg (1037 bytes) volunteer service.jpg (1172 bytes)

master gunner.jpg (2273 bytes) top gunner.jpg (1921 bytes) elite gunner.jpg (1980 bytes) master sniper.jpg (2117 bytes) close combat.jpg (2209 bytes) 1on1 match.jpg (1779 bytes)

xray match.jpg (1945 bytes) iron maidens match.jpg (2080 bytes) outlaw match.jpg (1227 bytes) maddogs match.jpg (1847 bytes) allsquadmatch.gif (2722 bytes) pd vs pd.jpg (1250 bytes)

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FlagTankRed.jpg (61116 bytes) X 100+

This young guy has that annoying habit

of popping you and leaving you wondering

where on earth did that shot come from.

Then you look and see him sitting in the trees

on the other side of the map! One of the best 

advanced snipers in the game!

Now where is he hiding !?!